25/04/2024 08:44:02

Invitation tο the 2010 Annual Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting

Pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Directors and according to the provisions of the Law and of the Company’s Codified Memorandum and Articles of Association, the Company’s shareholders are invited to the Annual Ordinary General Meeting on Thursday, May 27, 2010 at 12:30 hours, to be held at the NJV Athens Plaza Hotel, at A2 Vassileos Georgiou Street, Syntagma Square, Municipality of Athens, for discussion and decision on the following matters: 

1.Presentation and approval of the Financial Statements of the Company (on parent Company and Consolidated basis) for the accounting year 2009 (1.1.2009 – 31.12.2009), together with the accompanying Reports of the Board of Directors and the Auditors. 

2.Discharge of the Members of the Board of Directors and the Auditors from any liability for damages with regard to the Financial Statements and activities during the above mentioned accounting year.

3.Election of the Members of the new Board of Directors, as the term of service of the existing Board expires.

4.Appointment of the Members of the Audit Committee according to article 37 of the Law 3693/2008. 

5.Approval of a dividend.

6.Election of two Chartered Auditors, that is, one ordinary and one substitute, for the accounting year 2010 and approval of their fees.

7.Approval of the fees paid to the Members of the Board of Directors for the accounting year 2009 and pre-approval of the fees for the accounting year 2010. 

Shareholders who wish to participate in the Annual Ordinary Shareholders´ Meeting, according to the Law and the Company’s Codified Memorandum and Articles of Association, must block their shares, through the Operator of their Securities Account at the Dematerialised Securities System (S.A.T.) or the Hellenic Exchanges S.A. (previously Central Securities Depository), and deposit the relevant certificate together with the legal documentation at the Headquarters of the Company, at least 5 days prior to the date of the Ordinary Shareholders´ Meeting, that is, until Friday, May 21st, 2010 (included).

In case that the required quorum, according to the Law and the Company’s Codified Memorandum and Articles of Association, is not achieved and because of this reason a decision on the matters of the agenda cannot be made, a Repeat Shareholders’ Meeting will be held on Thursday June 10th, 2010 at 10:00 hours at the above mentioned Hotel NJV Athens Plaza (A2 Vassileos Georgiou Street – Syntagma Square). The corresponding deadline for the deposit of the share blocking certificates and the legal documentation at the Headquarters of the Company on behalf of the Shareholders will be Friday June 4th, 2010.

Maroussi, April 16th, 2010